Localization Testing Strategies

The main focus of the I18N/L10N testing is to ensure that the product is ready for the global market. Functional testing on the native-language build should already be completed with all functionality related defects identified and removed. Then, localization testing should focus on several areas according to language prioritization and risk. The most obvious and first involves items often altered during localization, such as the UI and content files. The second area consists of culture, language, and country specific items such as configurable components-such as region defaults, default language, language-specific and region-specific functionality-such as default spelling checkers, speech engines, availability of drivers for local hardware, and so on. Other areas of localization testing should include basic functionality tests; setup, upgrade, and uninstall tests that are run in the localized environment; and, finally, application and hardware compatibility tests according to the product’s target market.

  • Validation of application resources and resource attributes
  • Consistency of content files including documentation, online help, messages, interface resources and command key sequences
  • Spelling and sorting rules
  • Operating system
  • Text filters
  • User interface
  • Cultural appropriateness and politically sensitive content
  • Adherence to system input (keyboard hotkeys, mouse, voice) and display environment standards
  • Upper and lower case conversions
  • Printers
  • Data formats
  • Rulers and measurements

Next steps: To find out more how we can support your localization testing efforts, contact us.