Mobile Application Testing Plan – Outline

mobile test plan strategizing

Get Your Complete Guide to Mobile Testing Success

Mobile testing is complex, but critical to ensure your app delights users in an increasingly competitive landscape. At XBOSoft, we’ve developed an extensive mobile test plan blueprint covering everything you need for mobile testing success over 15+ years of mobile QA experience.

With our complete mobile test plan template, you’ll be able to:

  • Streamline testing across iOS, Android, tablets, phones, and emerging devices to optimize the allocation of valuable QA resources. Our guidelines help construct the optimal mobile test matrix saving you time and money.
  • Balance automated and manual testing to improve coverage while reducing overhead. We provide a decision framework to determine what should be automated vs manual to maximize testing ROI.
  • Benchmark performance in real-world cellular and WiFi conditions during alpha, beta, and live releases. Identify performance bottlenecks under real user connectivity early to increase ratings/downloads.
  • Identify high-risk native functions like camera, GPS, and security for targeted vetting. Avoid issues with core mobile features that would severely impact user experience.
  • Verify compliance with the latest platform guidelines and regulations across markets. Ensure apps are allowed in key App Stores and avoid policy violation rework.
  • Architect test cases optimized for modern CI/CD & DevOps programs. Embedded guidance to shift testing left while increasing release velocity.
  • Plus guidance for test suite maintenance, lab device management, cloud testing setup, and more! End-to-end mobile testing blueprint based on proven methodology.

Our comprehensive guide distills key learnings from testing millions of mobile devices so you can avoid common pitfalls. Shorten your path to mobile testing success!

Get your free copy by clicking below and providing your information. We’ll also schedule a quick call to discuss your initiatives and consult on your biggest mobile QA challenges. Let’s ensure flawless experiences across the platforms and devices your customers love!

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  • Briefly tell us about your QA question(s), issue, or challenges: i.e. automation, mobile testing, agile, performance testing, etc…

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