You think you are ready to release your software but have you thought about these often-forgotten steps?anxious before you release your software

Check out if you have covered these essential steps; people tend to forget the most when they release their software.

I.  Usability and User Experience

We ensure that all the functionality works. Certainly, everybody can access all the menus and the choices under the menus. The data maintains its integrity, but sometimes users still can not figure things out because your software’s usability or user experience has not been evaluated thoroughly from a user’s point of view. That’s easy to do. Pick out the top 5 things users do and do usability hallway testing by having your co-worker go through these scenarios to ensure that your software has good usability for those top things users like to do.

The next thing people usually forget is Security and Performance.

II.  Security and Performance before you release your software

Often people handle those at the end, but the best practice, especially if you are using an agile methodology, is to build in security and performance user stories into your development process and consider those stories as part of an iteration just like any other functional stories.

Another key element of software release to remember is integration testing

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III.  Integration testing

Integration testing integrates software modules logically and test them as a group. These software modules, coded by programmers form the software. And with so many third-party plug-ins and modules and development teams working in different locations, we have many moving pieces. Therefore it’s crucial to put together all these moving pieces and get good at putting them together and testing to make sure they come together correctly. This can be done via build verification testing and end-users acceptance testing.

IV.  Exploratory testing before releasing your software

Exploratory testing amalgamate simultaneous learning, test design and test execution into software testing. You basically “explore” the software as you move along, learning about it in terms of what it does or does not do.

Imagine you have got a thousand test cases and 999 of them pass, and you found one defect, and you are going to fix it. But the thing is, a lot of time, the test cases don’t cover everything you want to, and there are many things that users do and that you might not expect them to do. And that’s where exploratory testing come in. As you can suspect, exploratory testing is particularly suited for the beginning stages of the software development when the codes undergo rapid changes.

If you can address all these points, you will increase your chances of a successful software release tremendously.

V.  What is a software release?

This is the version of a software that end-users will interact with. It’s a version of software that you decide to ‘release’ into the wild, to your customers and end-users.

The version you release usually has a combination of bug fixes and new features. The frequency and amount of content in the release depends on the organization.

Some companies may release software every day, every week, every two weeks, or even every quarter or year.

For some companies, depending on the domain, the timing of the release is also essential. For example, for a company producing financial software, you surely don’t want to release software towards the end or beginning of any quarter because if there are problems, you’ve just created a headache for yourself.

The critical steps in the software release cycle first include deciding what will go into the release (bug fixes and new features), after which getting the work done along with other unplanned work that seems to get into the schedule. For example, new defects that receive high priority or new features that a particular product owner decides they must have (and should remove other features in the release). Software release also includes all the steps involved in getting the release out to the user base, including testing and integrating it into the CI/CD pipeline.

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Anxious Before You Release Your Software? Check These Great Tips

By Jimmy Florent
January 26, 2022