XBOSoft Featured in Game Testing Service Report

May 2, 2022

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As the pandemic loosens its grip, many of us have gotten used to staying predominantly at home. Be it work or play, many of us spend more time on our devices whether it be mobile or desktop.

And that’s the primary reason that the gaming market is exploding. We’re on our devices and we certainly can’t be working all the time or shopping… So what are we doing? Gaming.

Gaming has not only become a way to ‘get exercise’ and explore unknown worlds but also has become a way to interact with your friends. Some of these are fictitious and unknown, but I’m sure that many of our kids play with the neighbor across the street or in their schools with their online identities.

And because gaming has become so integral in our daily lives, we hope they work! Of course, some glitches are programmed intentionally by gaming software developers to enable gamers to get to the next level while creating back doors and secret passageways. But if you’re a gaming software company, you don’t want unintentional glitches as they could ruin the entire game and hence revenue stream. That’s why the gaming testing market has exploded. Fortunately, XBOSoft has been a part of that growth in the last several years and has assisted many gaming companies to ensure that their games are glitch-free (unless intended) and that they operate seamlessly across a variety of networks and devices. So, if you’re looking for an experienced firm who knows how to test games and their specific nuances, not just functions and operability, you’ve got a trusted partner in XBOSoft. Give us a ring today, [email protected]

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