Roblox Case Study

Roblox is the world’s leading user-generated content gaming and digital co-experience platform. They provide players with the tools and infrastructure to build and play their own games. Additionally, as an open-source platform, Roblox allows users to create their own content. As a result, millions of individual developers have used their tools to publish over 40 million games.





Business Challenges

To expand in new markets, Roblox formed several Joint Ventures with premium partners to help bring their platform to game builders all over the world. The main challenges include:

  • Hosting its platform on partners’ server infrastructure
  • Publishing its application on multiple operating systems such as iOS, Android, PC, and Mac
  • The plurality of game titles
  • Compliance with the local government requirements for video game content
  • Finding a QA firm to help execute the plan while communicating in local and Headquarters languages

Key requirements:

  • Full app functionality testing of sign-up, log-in, item browsing and purchase, avatar customization, friending, chatting, and launching into and ensuring basic functionality within gameplay
  • Translation testing (English to the local languages) to flag any missing translations and ensure contextual translations
  • Compliance testing of the local government regulations, including text filtering and age-appropriate policies
  • Compatibility testing across various desktop configurations and mobile devices that are popular in the local market (including more than 300 Androids devices, iOS mobiles, tablets or iPads, Windows PC, and Mac)
  • App performance testing
  • Being able to sync and communicate with the testers of its head-quarter and to work during US business hours
  • Measure performance of launch and load times


Tailored solutions

XBOSoft performed a system-level test for Roblox’s Joint Venture, which helped them successfully get the local market game license. We also performed functional, localization, compliance check, compatibility, and performance tests for the local Roblox application & studio. XBOSoft has provided over two years of QA service for Roblox US / Local market that covers Roblox Application & Studio products:

Functional Test

  • Daily Smoke on Application LIVE builds
  • Weekly full regression on release candidate builds
  • Cross cover multiple platforms
  • Application: Android, iOS, Windows Studio: Windows, Mac

Non-functional Test

  • Compliance Check
  • Localization Test
  • Mobile platforms’ performance analysis (with PerfDog)
  • Compatibility Test (on different explorers)


  • Under-aged users’ screen time rules
  • Real-name verification rules for game sign up

Close communication/rapport

  • Regular sync up meetings
  • Multi-collaborative online doc/report/results for status/issue tracking
  • Regular test report (daily & weekly email)

Emergency Support

First-hand support on any emergencies via call, meeting

Multiple models of mobile/tablets devices’ user experiences

Log catch/analysis on Android/iOS/Windows/Mac


Advantages of working with us

We don’t just test software—we create customized strategies that solve your problems and help you stay ahead of the competition.

Found over 3,000 valid bugs

  • Found and removed critical bugs, which helped them constantly improve quality
  • More than 30% were high severity issues
  • Included functional, performance, compliance, localization, UI/UE, and compatibility defects

Rich experience in game-testing

  • Finding/reporting the wired game/app behavior
  • Root Cause Analysis (client/server-side issue), which provide further help to fix issues more effectively

Understand local market compliance, rules, and pain points

  • Local Joint Venture can release applications on a weekly basis
  • Full compliance with local government rules achieved


  • Thanks to our regression and force upgrade tests, the Local Application was successfully released on both Android and iOS app stores, 40 times in 6 months
  • High client trust as our clear and concise bugs reports, with related screenshots, video, and valuable logs enabled quick troubleshooting and fixes

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