Verilogue technology platform captures information at the Point of Practice™, providing the healthcare industry with unique access and insight into healthcare interactions. Verilogue provides a secure and confidential way for patients and physicians to share opinions in 9 countries across the Americas, Europe, and Asia. This information, once made anonymous, is used by the healthcare industry to further enhance their understanding of the numerous diseases that face our society today. By using Verilogue, physicians, patients, and the healthcare industry come together with one common goal, to win the fight against disease.
Verilogue brings patients, physicians, and the healthcare industry together to share information, and its web-based software’s extensive reporting with varying degrees of sensitive information, combined with many business rule scenarios, and access permission schemes leads to numerous test scenarios. These factors combined to present a significant challenge for testing in an agile environment where builds are done daily. Verilogue needed a Testing and QA company that could provide a dedicated team for normal testing but also supplemented for peaks. They needed a stable team to build up in-depth domain understanding but extra staffing on demand for performance and automation. Having worked with various outsourcers for both testing and development in the past, one of the important criteria in choosing a testing services company was good communication and management processes.
Partnering with XBOSoft gave Verilogue access to a wide range of XBOSoft’s software testing solutions and expertise, such as:
Verilogue software is web-based so platform compatibility is becoming more critical as their customer base uses a variety of front-end combinations of operating systems and browsers. Possible platform combinations continue to expand with Chrome, Firefox, and IE now with numerous versions. XBOSoft’s testing lab is fully equipped with a full library of operating systems, databases, application servers, and browsers, giving Verilogue confidence that all possible platforms are covered.
Verilogue’s uses an agile development methodology so there are new software builds on a daily basis. Each build needs to be regression tested for all base functionalities to ensure that they are not impacted by newer code and that previous defects do not creep back into the build. To handle this problem, XBOSoft assembled a new build every day, notified Verilogue of the changes in each build, and developed automated test suites that executed automatically, reducing the testing manpower needed for each iteration and increasing quality with greater functional and platform coverage. This enabled the manual functional testers to focus on the new features, functionality, and usability.
XBOSoft built up a broad library of test cases covering each and every function and feature of the software application. Automation scripts were written for any of the test cases where it made sense while others that needed a few pairs of eyes were tested manually.
XBOSoft provided specialized expertise and tools to help Verilogue identify, prioritize, and solve security vulnerabilities on a periodic basis.
Verilogue uses agile development methods with XBOSoft testing a new build every day. New builds could include small patches and bug fixes to a major feature or function release. With a dedicated team with the requisite domain knowledge, XBOSoft responds quickly and works closely with the Verilogue team using the same defect tracking and project management tools thus linking the two locations together and creating a virtual team.
Verilogue uses agile development methods with XBOSoft testing a new build every day. New builds could include small patches and bug fixes to a major feature or function release. With a dedicated team with the requisite domain knowledge, XBOSoft responds quickly and works closely with the Verilogue team using the same defect tracking and project management tools thus linking the two locations together and creating a virtual team.
Developing trust takes time, and bumps in the road are expected and acceptable as long as we communicate openly and up front. Starting with developing a test strategy, followed up with planning and execution, XBOSoft engineers are experts at finding, duplicating and characterizing high quality defects. Yet, we are human and sometimes things go wrong. When they do, you’ll be the first to know.
Verilogue uses a full time testing team which executes manual regression and automated testing across all applications and platforms. They also use additional services on a project by project basis for security testing and ad-hoc testing. At times they have ramped the team size down and up depending on their requirements and features released as such business models change and adapt accordingly.
Due to our western management style and values, our team of professional engineers and projectmanagers are long termemployees. With our core teamthat has been with XBOSoftsince it wasfounded, we continue to provide opportunitiesfor professional growth, and invest in a comfortable work environment where employees can grow and remain professionally challenged.
With clients such as Talyst, RNA Health and Mobile MedSoft, XBOSoft are able to jump straight into a healthcare industry software product without any steep learning curve on domain attributes. Successful testing projects and ongoing client work means XBOSoft are very familiar with long term care and pharmaceutical industry concerns, compliance issues and regulations.