Mobile Performance Testing – Techniques and Tips for Local Performance

Mobile platform proliferation has been a problem for quite some time and the situation is not improving. As mobile vendors continue to roll out larger screen sizes, and operating system versions, and choose to take advantage of some of the advanced operating system features, they also use more hardware resources. Even though devices are loaded with more memory and higher-performing CPUs, users download hundreds of ‘apps’  without realizing that performance can be degraded especially when running simultaneously. Understanding that users are ‘in the wild’ and have a variety of real environments that you may not account for in your testing makes testing the performance of these mobile applications quite a challenge. The problem is that the performance of mobile apps is critical to user experience, so performance testing is necessary but how do you account for all the different device permutations? Critical determinants include:

  • Understand what your user profile is. What devices are they using? Are they high-end users with high-end phones?
  • What else do your users have on their mobile devices?
  • What performance aspects and measurements are most critical to your users?
  • What features of your app are affected by what characteristics of their device?
  • Which platforms can and cannot be supported with acceptable performance.

In this white paper:

  • Learn how to determine if it’s the CPU, memory, or another cause that’s slowing your app down.
  • See examples using commonly available tools.

Please click the button below to download this white paper so you can get tips and tricks to improve your mobile app’s performance.

