Quality Challenges in the Mobile IoT Era

Everyone wants their everyday tasks and to-do list to get easier to complete. Never has this possibility been so within our grasp as in this era of the Internet of Things.

IoT is all around us, even in places we are not aware of. Most notable are technologies we wear or see at the doctor’s office. What’s significant about IoT is that these devices, whether they be in the office, home, car, hospital, or, like drones, flying above our heads, all have a software component. This means that, overnight, many companies that were traditionally hardware manufacturers are now software companies.

Download the white paper Quality Challenges in the Mobile IoT Era to gain insights into:

  • Technologies in the context of how they impact us
  • Identifying the challenges we face to ensure software quality
  • What you need to know as an engineer to keep private information private
  • How crucial a mobile-first approach will be for implementation

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