Quality Process Assessment

XBOSoft’s Quality Process Assessment (QPA) examines the entire organization from the standpoint of quality – how do its people, processes, and use of technology and tools support the organization’s quality goals? Using our QPA methodology and framework, we uncover the root causes of defects and provide a roadmap to application and process improvement.

QPA Roadmap
–> Influences the process after –>
Sales & Marketing
(Product sponsor)
Product managementDevelopmentQuality Assurance
Product delivery
Customer Service
Tech Support
Product in Use
<– Depends on the process before <–
^ User interactions –>User perceived quality<– User interactions ^

The term “defect” usually applies to issues encountered by users and when the product does not meet requirements or behaves unexpectedly. However, XBOSoft’s QPA expands this to include errors that can occur throughout the lifecycle, from poorly defined requirements and unclear test cases to issues reproducing defects and marketing materials that may be misleading about capabilities.

Additionally, many don’t realize the strong connection between support and the customer’s perception of quality. By closely examining help desk tickets, XBOSoft’s QPA determines pain points and provides actionable feedback with steps your organization should take earlier to prevent issues from being encountered in production.

Quality is the primary focus and goal

After the review, our clients typical realize the following benefits:

  • Improved team productivity and efficiency
  • Improved team management and morale
  • Process improvement and insightful quality metrics
  • Group performance and business goals achieved
  • Budget requirements being met while delivering high quality
  • Reduction in technical support calls and help desk tickets

QPA Workflow

Step 1 – Pre-Onsite Data Collection – Analysis

The QPA begins with a pre-onsite data collection period where the client completes pre-assessment questionnaires and collects the appropriate documentation required to kick off the study. Prior to the data collection period, we also discuss and confirm the QPA objectives with the team lead(s) (typically the VP of Development, Development or Quality Assurance manager, and any other stakeholders). This phase utilizes a variety of data collection methods:

  • Questionnaires that ask the same questions phrased in different contexts from different angles
  • Gathering data from different roles to understand diverse viewpoints
  • Data collection from various development artifacts and documentation including, but not limited to, test cases, defects, user stories, quality statements, quality process definitions, and customer service help desk tickets
  • Review of requirements specifications, marketing sheets, and organization charts

We then analyze all of the collected data to understand the different viewpoints on quality across the organization, the definition of quality, and the existing processes.

Step 2 – Onsite Review Followed by Off-Site Analysis and Evaluation

After our analysis of the data and questionnaires, we then go onsite to work with the stakeholders for a focused period of 3-5 days gathering and analyzing supplemental data via:

  • One-on-one and small group interviews
  • Work observation sessions
  • Data reviews
  • Brainstorming sessions during preliminary finding meetings with management

This additional information facilitates in-depth analysis of the following critical performance areas that affect Quality Assurance:

  • Work Flow Process Analysis
  • Management Processes and Procedures and their impact on software quality management
  • Quality Assurance Engineer Job Design and organization alignment
  • Quality Assurance Technology Inventory Analysis
  • Defect Analysis with process improvement correlation
  • Qualityware evaluation

Step 3 – The Deliverables – Assessment Report and Quality Workshop

The QPA results in a comprehensive document that contains recommendations for immediate changes that will lead to improvements in operational procedures, workflows, technology uses, job designs, and measurements that support your quality objectives. This is followed by an executive workshop that presents the results and maps out a plan for improvement. The Assessment Report provides the following:

  • A comprehensive examination of QA operations
  • An executive readout of findings from the current situation
  • An analysis of operational-development processes from product management (requirements) to development and QA, followed by customer service
  • An analysis of defects to identify trends, correlations, and other characteristics
  • A technology analysis with recommendations
  • Staffing estimates based on current workload
  • Work function review and recommendations
  • Performance measurements analysis
  • Risk analysis with recommendations for risk reduction
  • Recommendations on testing strategy, process improvement, and quality control

We’ve worked with organizations of all shapes and sizes to examine their processes and offer guidance toward long-term, sustainable improvements. Along with professional QA consulting services, we offer augmentation and full-service software testing services.

We also share our knowledge with the software and business community through publishing topical White Papers, presenting at conferences, and holding workshops to help grow our collective skills and support the quality community.

Certified expertise, reliable results

We hold PMP, ISTQB, and ISO27001 certifications, reflecting our adherence to rigorous standards in project management, software testing, information security, and internal controls.

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