Do Developers Write Bad Code on Purpose? – Software Requirements Lead the Way

April 20, 2023

Poor Software Requirements Lead to Coding Mistakes

Do Developers Write Bad Code on Purpose?

No. Of course not. Yet, we find bugs in all stages of the software development process. And we know that if you dig deeper, the causes of many of these defects are poor requirements in one way or another. Numerous studies and research show that defects found very late in the development process (the latest being in production) are very expensive to fix versus defects that are found early in the development process. Yet, for some reason, we still focus an extraordinary amount of effort on testing software rather than testing requirements.

In this webinar, we’ll examine one of the latest tools that support organizations in writing testable requirements, Critical Logic’s IQM Studio (Integrated Quality Management). With IQM Studio, you create a visual diagram of user stories. The diagram is a Cause-Effect, input-output, based model that makes it easy for business analysts, developers, and quality assurance engineers to clarify the details that are often missing or ambiguous. Once the requirements are clear, IQM Studio then generates test cases ensuring that all possible valid paths are covered. Lastly, IQM Studio can generate automation code from the test cases in various automation scripting tools such as Selenium.

If you want to improve your software engineering processes from start to finish, tune into this webinar where XBOSoft’s CEO, Phil Lew, discusses with Bob Johnston from Critical Logic, how to develop high-quality testable requirements as the first step in your software development process.